本學期動畫分鏡腳本設計,將分為理論與實務兩個重心。 課程將透過作品賞析,結合理論的講授,並導入動畫前製流程。 從美術設計、分鏡腳本到動態腳本, 一步步帶領同學實務操作並作業檢討, 期望提升同學對於創作的興趣與敘事方法的知識, 培養用鏡頭說故事的能力。
《 課程簡介 -- English 》
In this course students will have chances to learn diverse ways of analyzing scripts for Animation production. Basically, this course is divided into two categories: (1) Practices that are intended to reveal the structure or form of the animation, and (2) Theories that include cultural criticism or discourse analysis. First, theoretical discourse analysis and pre-production introduction will allow students to explore applications of different theories. Furthermore, from the basic story developing, graphic designed, scrip, shooting script, and animatic writing, this course will help students to develop professional skills of animation production and animation script analysis.