《 上課要求 》
Students are expected to come to class on time and to participate in all activities. Participation means submitting homework assignments on time, joining in conversations, volunteering, using English, and following norms of politeness toward the teacher and other students. It does NOT mean sitting quietly in class, doing homework from other courses, using foul language (in Chinese or English), or talking about other topics in Chinese. Students should check virtual campus each day for classroom announcements. If students are absent, they should call another student for the assignment. 修習本課程學生必須準時上課,並踴躍參與課堂討論。並且鼓勵學生尊重老師和其他同學,嚴禁學生做其他作業或是用中文討論其他話題。
Attendance Policy
Attendance is important, counting 10% of the grade for 2 day instructors and 5% for one day instructors. Students missing 5 of the 2-day instructor’s classes or 3 of the 1 day instructor’s classes, receive ‘0’ for the Attendance portion of each class, respectively. Students missing 12 of the 2-day instructor’s classes or 6 of the one-day instructor’s classes will receive 0 for both Attendance and Participation portions of each class, respectively. Before the midterm exam, an Early Warning notice may be sent students in danger of failing Attendance component of the grade.
基於出席率對於英語學習的重要,2天課程(英文會話)的出席成績佔總成績的10%,1天課程(英文閱讀/寫作) 的出席成績佔總成績的5%。同學如果在2天課程(英文會話)中缺課5天(次),該部分的出席成績將為0分。同學如果在1天課程(英文閱讀/寫作)中缺課3天(次),該部分的出席成績將為0分。
規定自同學選課成功後,應開始上課之第一日開始計算。 附註:依本校學則第四章第三十一條,學生因故不能上課,請准事假、病假者為“缺課”。
《 報告要求 》
Students are expected to complete all homework assignments on time. 學生必須依照規定之格式準時繳交作業。
《 課程評分方式 》
《 討論要求 》
Students are encouraged to actively participate in discussion during class as this is the only time most students will have a chance to practice English. 由於英文課是大部分學生僅有使用英文機會的地方,因此學生應該積極參與課堂討論
《 其他要求 》
Students may be recommended to skip one or more levels if proficiency in English warrants such placement. Outstanding students may be recommended to skip one or more levels. Eligibility includes, but is not limited to, instructor recommendation and achieving at least 80 on the final grade. 英文程度且成績優異者,得由任課教師推薦跳級。資格除了各細項成績符合指標外(含小考、作業、出席、課堂參與及期中考成績表現特優),同學該學期的英文期末總成績必須達到至少80分才得以跳級。
Students with any condition, either permanent or temporary, that could affect class performance, should advise the instructor so that accommodations can be made