【廣告核心模組】 廣告學概論介紹與進度
教育目標與核心能力 課程大綱 課程介紹 課程進度
學年期: 106 學年 第1學期
課程系組: 進學廣告 2 年級 A 班
課程代碼: 1061CBNAD2A731900
課程名稱: 【廣告核心模組】 廣告學概論
必選修別: 系必
學分數: 3.0 學分
授課老師: 郝名媛
開始日期: 2017/9/18
結束日期: 2018/1/21
時間表: 建-307 (三) 13 - 15

課程簡介     Introduction

《 課程簡介 -- English 》
This course provides a comprehensive survey of modern advertising covering the major media: online, print, radio and television. Media are compared for their utility, impact and effectiveness as vehicles for advertising. Principles of good advertising copy and production are emphasized as are advertising ethics.

The course you will learn: advertising foundations and environment, advertising media, advertising and the marketing process, and how advertising works.

Material   上課教材  
廣告學概論—整合行銷傳播觀點 (Introduction to advertising- An integrated marketing communications perspective) 呂冠瑩著 前程文化事業有限公司
廣告學(Advertising: principles and practice, 8th Edition) Well/Burnett/Moriarty原著 陳尚永、洪雅慧、蕭富峰編譯 華泰文化公司
現代廣告概論—策略與實務/Don E Schultz原著(新文京開發出版有限公司)
Contemporary Advertising, William F. Arens 8th Edition, Irwin McGraw-Hill
Advertising and promotion—An integrated Marketing communication perspective, George E. Belch & Michael A. Belch, 5th edition Irwin McGraw-Hill
Others: handout and details to be given in class.

課程要求     Requirement
《 上課要求 》
Pls turn-off your mobile phone during class period.

《 報告要求 》
Any assignment to be given in class.
Any overdue assignment won't be accepted.
Group project

《 課程評分方式 》
1.作業:10% 2.期末考:20% 3.課程參與:10% 4.出席:10% 5.分組作業:25% 6.個人期末作業:25%

《 討論要求 》
Any group discussing to be given in class.

《 其他要求 》

Office Hour   輔導時間  

教學目標     Objective