【外語溝通能力】 英語3介紹與進度
教育目標與核心能力 課程大綱 課程介紹 課程進度
學年期: 106 學年 第2學期
課程系組: 進學教務 2 年級 0 班
課程代碼: 1062CBNTR20I22507
課程名稱: 【外語溝通能力】 英語3
必選修別: 校必
學分數: 2.0 學分
授課老師: 傅凱妮, 邱富彥
開始日期: 2018/1/29
結束日期: 2018/6/3
時間表: 延-309 (一) 11 - 12; 延-309 (三) 11 - 12; 延-309 (五) 11 - 12

課程簡介     Introduction


《 課程簡介 -- English 》
This course is designed to provide a setting where learners can develop all four language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing), to communicate in English for business and social purposes. The course is divided into two area groups: Listening & Speaking, which meets twice a week, and Reading & Writing, which meets once a week.

Teaching methods reflect the view that people learn to communicate by using language to negotiate meaning. Lessons are presented in thematic units to reinforce vocabulary and structure across all skill areas. Instructors will speak English and offer students a variety of activities, providing opportunities to exchange information, express opinions, and share ideas and feelings. The course further assumes that students benefit from explicit knowledge of language rules, so classes will also include lessons on grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. Finally, the course will help students develop strategies read and write effectively in English.

Material   上課教材  
Top Notch 1 , Student’s Book, Third Edition (required)

課程要求     Requirement
《 上課要求 》

《 報告要求 》

《 課程評分方式 》
評分Grading scheme:
1. 平時成績Daily 50%
(小考/功課quiz/homework 30% + 出席/參與attendance/participation 20%)
2. 大考成績Exams 50%
(期中考midterm 20% +期末考 final 20% + 期末口試oral 10%)

Midterm Exam:
The midterm exam may be computer-based or paper & pencil. It will include both general (vocabulary, grammar, language use, reading) and listening sections.

Final Exam:
The final exam may be computer-based or paper & pencil. It will include both general (vocabulary, grammar, language use, and reading) and listening sections.
The final oral will be given in class, during the Listening/Speaking class.

《 討論要求 》

《 其他要求 》

Office Hour   輔導時間  
By appointment only

教學目標     Objective
In this course students will:
- Expand their repertoire of commonly used social formulas for business and travel
- Continue to develop confidence in using English
- Further develop the ability to understand and produce simple sentence structures
- Gain awareness of levels of formality in various contexts
- Become aware of phonemic blending and further develop ability to use stress and intonation patterns
- Develop strategies for efficient writing and reading
- Gain a sense of audience and purpose in writing

- 擴展常用工作及旅遊的社交慣用語句
- 持續增進使用英文的信心
- 發展理解及使用簡單句的能力
- 體會不同的場合的正式/非正式程度
- 體認混音、重音、音調的型態
- 發展有效寫作及閱讀的策略
- 體察英文寫作中的讀者及目的的重要性