教育目標與核心能力 課程大綱 課程介紹 課程進度
學年期: 106 學年 暑期
課程系組: 行動資訊 1 年級 班
課程代碼: 1063CMNMS1H56900CB
課程名稱: 金融資訊管理實務
必選修別: 選修
學分數: 3.0 學分
授課老師: 張耀鴻
開始日期: 2018/6/11
結束日期: 2018/9/9
時間表: 建-206 (六) 10 - 13

課程簡介     Introduction

《 課程簡介 -- English 》
This course introduces fintech from the perspective of fields of its applications. We explain how IT professionals can use unsophisticated tools to develop the ability to effectively manage financial information and end-user-construction (EUC) of financial information systems. It guides students to use easily accessible hardware and software resources to build a financial analysis environment, and to gain insight into the value of financial information for further constructing and managing knowledge in order to meet the demands of quantitative analysis and research purpose. In addition to the essential fintech knowledge, we also introduce the key technology of contemporary program trading technology and its practical applications. The content of this course includes financial computation, pricing of and analysis derivative products, financial planning, computer simulation, operational model construction and back testing, real-time trading system, validation and optimization of trading strategies, as well as advanced topics for the application of financial technology.

Material   上課教材  
1. 金融科技:學習與應用基礎, 姜林杰佑著, 新陸書局出版, 2016, ISBN: 978-986-5761-86-8
2. 補充教材(置於網路課程教材區)

課程要求     Requirement
《 上課要求 》

《 報告要求 》

《 課程評分方式 》
1.作業:30% 2.期中報告:30% 3.期末報告:30% 4.課程參與:10%

《 討論要求 》

《 其他要求 》

Office Hour   輔導時間  

教學目標     Objective