【金融行銷專業模組】 財富管理介紹與進度
教育目標與核心能力 課程大綱 課程介紹 課程進度
學年期: 107 學年 第1學期
課程系組: 進學財金 3 年級 班
課程代碼: 1071CBNBF3H63700CB
課程名稱: 【金融行銷專業模組】 財富管理
必選修別: 養域
學分數: 2.0 學分
授課老師: 江朝川
開始日期: 2018/9/17
結束日期: 2019/1/20
時間表: 建-501 (四) 14 - 15

課程簡介     Introduction

(1) 證券商營業員
(2) 證券商高級營業員
(3) 投信投顧業務員
(4) 期貨商營業員
(5) 理財規劃人員

(1) 期貨交易分析人員
(2) 證券投資分析人員
(3) 美國 特許財務分析師 (Chartered Financial Analyst, CFA)

《 課程簡介 -- English 》
The essence of wealth management is to allocate the most suitable personal asset portfolio, and achieve the goal of asset growth through long-term stable investment strategy and multiplier effect through time compounding.
Looking at the global economic development trend, today is the era of financial management for all. For investors, proper wealth management allows them to have the best asset allocation, which in turn reduces risk and increases asset returns. As for the financial planner, to cultivate the right financial management and wealth management capabilities, they can provide customers with better financial advice and services.
The purpose of this course is to develop a solid understanding of financial analysis, income analysis, money market tools, capital market tools like bonds ...and its application to investment and financial management for personal and companies.
After learning this course, you will also have the fundamental concept of wealth management , like investment, financing, corporate dividends policy, and financial decision making. And this will help you to manage personal and corporate finance, and to plan financial strategy.

You also can take the license of professional financial-related capability test. Fore further study, you can take the "Investment "and " Financial market" courses to enhance your ability.

The Purpose of this course is to develop a solid understanding of modern investmetn theory and its application to investment management. Its will cover the following topics:(1) Securities markets (2)understanding of risk and return of investment alternatives (3) The appraisal and valuation of Fixed-income securities.(4)The appraisal and valuation of equities(5)Analysis of the national economy, industry and company(6)Portfolio theory and management(7)An introduction to futures and options in investment

Material   上課教材  

(1) 現代投資學_分析與管理,智勝出版社,2018,8版
(2) 財務管理:新觀念與本土化,智勝出版社,2018,7版
(3) 上課講議


(1) 今週刊 (Business Today)
(2) 證券、投顧、投信之報告與分析
(3) 工商時報 (Commercial Times)
(4) 經濟日報 (Economic daily News)
(5) 電子時報
(6) 商業週刊 Business Week)
(7) 公開資訊觀測站(www.newmops.twse.com.tw )

課程要求     Requirement
《 上課要求 》
Attendednce is manatory since your efforts are the focus of the course.

Class participation is encouraged.

《 報告要求 》

No papers is needed

《 課程評分方式 》
1.課程參與:50% 2.期末考:50%

《 討論要求 》

Class participation is encouraged.

《 其他要求 》
Pls. come to class with a happy mind and willing to learn something

Office Hour   輔導時間  
If you ahve any question, pls email me : chiang1968@yahoo.com

教學目標     Objective