【外語溝通能力】 英語4介紹與進度
教育目標與核心能力 課程大綱 課程介紹 課程進度
學年期: 107 學年 第1學期
課程系組: 進學教務 2 年級 0 班
課程代碼: 1071CBNTR20I22603
課程名稱: 【外語溝通能力】 英語4
必選修別: 校必
學分數: 2.0 學分
授課老師: 謝立文, 史睿恩
開始日期: 2018/9/17
結束日期: 2019/1/20
時間表: 建-802 (三) 11 - 12; 建-310 (五) 11 - 12; 建-702 (日) 4 - 5

課程簡介     Introduction

《 課程簡介 -- English 》
This course is designed to provide a setting where learners can develop all four language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing), to communicate in English for business and social purposes. The course is divided into two language area groups: Listening/Speaking, which meets twice a week, and Reading/Writing, which meets once a week.

Material   上課教材  
Top Notch 2, 3rd edition
Essential Reading 2, 2nd Edition

課程要求     Requirement
《 上課要求 》

-若學生因懷孕、分娩、或撫育三歲以下子女之需要等,而核准之事(病)假、產假,不予扣分。(有相關需求者,須逕向學輔中心申請,由系所發展中心通知教師同學之請假日期。) 請准公假者,亦不作缺課論,不予扣分。(欲請公假者須逕向學輔中心申請公假證明,並由學生交付該證明給 老師請公假。)

Students are expected to come to class on time and to participate in all activities. Participation includes being prepared for class; cooperating; using English; and following classroom rules. Students should check Virtual Campus each day for classroom announcements. When absent, they should call another student for the homework assignment.

Attendance is recorded from the first day a student registers for class. The attendance portion of the overall grade is reduced 10% for each missed Speaking/Listening class and 20% for each missed Reading/Writing class. At the instructor’s discretion, up to three absences may be excused if supported by appropriate, verifiable documentation.

Exception is made for students who are pregnant; taking maternity leave; taking care of a child three years of age or younger; performing national service or service to CCU. All such claims must be verified by Counseling Center.

《 報告要求 》
Students are expected to complete all homework assignments on time.

《 課程評分方式 》
Daily 50% (quiz / homework 30% + attendance & participation 20%)
Exams 50% (midterm 20% + final 20% + oral 10%)

Midterm exam:
The midterm exam will be administered online. It will include both general (vocabulary, grammar, language use, reading) and listening sections.

Final exam:
The final will also be administered online. The online test includes general (vocabulary, grammar, language use, and reading) and listening sections.
The final oral will be administered during the Listening/Speaking class. It assesses spoken language practiced throughout the course.

《 討論要求 》
Students are encouraged to actively participate in discussion during class as this is the only time most will have a chance to practice English.

《 其他要求 》
Students with any condition, either permanent or temporary, that could affect class performance should advise the instructor so that appropriate accommodations can be made.

TOEIC Bridge Test will be administered later in the semester. Students are strongly encouraged to begin preparing for the exam early in the semester. In class practice will be offered but students are also encouraged to prepare for the exam on their own using resources available in the Digital Learning Center.

Outstanding students may be recommended to skip one or more levels as language proficiency warrants. Eligibility includes, but is not limited to, instructor recommendation and achieving at least 80 on the final grade.

Office Hour   輔導時間  
By appointment.

教學目標     Objective

In this course students will learn to:
- Build fluency through guided opportunities for authentic, natural communication
- Gain confidence in applying listening strategies
- Develop knowledge of language used in various social and business contexts
- Improve ability to use and understand stress and intonation patterns of English
- Continue to develop strategies for efficient reading
- Build confidence in ability to use English
- Develop the ability to write for professional purposes