一. 課程內容: 全通路體驗的時代趨勢下, 解析國際品牌的最新視覺陳列手法與技巧, 整合色彩形象企劃, 與消費者LIFE STYLE體驗提案, 打造吸引顧客, 創造高業績的魅力賣場。
課程大綱: 商品視覺企劃VMD概論 魅力視覺演出之必要條件 - 色彩 色彩企劃與商品視覺演出應用 商品視覺演出與陳列的形式與技巧 讓顧客滿足的魅力賣場演出 提升賣場績效的技巧策略 流行商品視覺演出的趨勢分析
《 課程簡介 -- English 》
This course will give participants the opportunity to discover the techniques of visual merchandising and visual display, in order for them to maximize the profitability of a retail space. In addition, they will learn the fundamental aspects of consumer behavior, which is key to creating a unique buying experience for every customer and building a loyal customer base.
Learning Method: - Best practices Case study - Interactive teaching and Coaching - Group & personal research study and presentation