近來隨著社會經濟之繁榮,國民所的之增加,工商業之發展,以及社會人士對保險保障之殷切需要, 保險事業之經營發展迅速,理論與實務兩方面技術均有待提升;因此,從保險的認識開始, 到保險契約有效與否的判斷(惡意契約),再延伸進入保險公司(保險人)的責任義務與要保人、 被保險人和受益人間請求權利的對立;如何有效結合保險理論與實務之發展,俾提昇保險知識之精進, 為本課程之要務‧
《 課程簡介 -- English 》
Recently, as the prosperity of social economy, the increase in national income, the development in industry, the needs to insurance and the rapid development of insurance industry, the technologies involved in theories and applications also modernized. Therefore, how to efficiently integrate the insurance theories and applications developments and increase the insurance knowledge is the most important matter for this curriculum.