本課程聚焦於數位媒體的商業運作,旨在培養學生理解數位媒體產業的運行模式、變現策略及商業生態。 課程內容涵蓋數位媒體的發展歷程、平台經濟的運作邏輯、內容創作與行銷策略、用戶數據分析及盈利模式設計。 透過案例研究與實作練習,學生將學習如何將創新技術應用於媒體商業經營中,成為適應數位時代的媒體經營專才。
《 課程簡介 -- English 》
This course focuses on the commercial operations of digital media, aiming to equip students with an understanding of the operational models, monetization strategies, and business ecosystems within the digital media industry. The curriculum includes the history of digital media development, the operational logic of the platform economy, content creation and marketing strategies, user data analysis, and revenue model design. Through case studies and practical exercises, students will learn how to apply innovative technologies in media business operations, becoming media management professionals suited to the digital age.