包含顧客關係管理的定義、重要性、架構以及顧客關係管理的發展與實施流程。 顧客關係理論介紹外,舉例之企業案例,也以台灣與亞洲案例為主,使學生能產生親切與切身感。同時搭配照片之輔助說明,期能有效提升學生學習效果
《 課程簡介 -- English 》
This course contains the following topics: definition of CRM, importance of CRM, framework of a CRM system, development of a CRM system, and the cases of CRM operations
.In today’s highly competitive market, effectively interacting with customers and maintaining customer relationships are critical to an organization’s success. Customer relationship management (CRM) can be described as a comprehensive set of processes and technologies for building and maintaining customer relationships by delivering value and satisfaction to the customer. The purpose of this course is to create insight and new learning in the area of CRM.