儘管現代溝通的方式日趨多樣化,但貿易英文商業書信及契約仍具有舉足輕重的地位。貿易英文商業書信及契約適用於各方面的英文溝通,其範圍相當廣泛,舉凡傳真與電子郵件、備忘錄、報告、請求信與回覆信、詢價與報價、訂單與回覆、付款、投訴與回覆、推銷信、其他商務書信、求職書信、人力資源相關書信、介紹信、邀請函、道歉信、祝賀信等等都是。本課程介紹貿易英文商業書信及契約英文寫作的方式, 教導學生有關貿易活動中可能的狀況及現代貿易英文用法, 使學生在工作中能靈活運用。
《 課程簡介 -- English 》
Business English is used everyday. It includes writing Faxes and Email, Memo, Report, Letters of Request and Response, Inquiries and Offers, Payment, Complains and Responses, Sales, Letters, Other Types of Business Correspondence, Job Hunting Communications, Human Resources-Related Communication, Reference Letters, Invitations, Letter of Apology, Letter of Congratulations and contracts and agreements. This course is to introduce practical business writing. Students may learn how to use modern business English in writng and apply to their daily work in their jobs.