《 上課要求 》
出席: 修習本課程學生應準時上課,並踴躍參與課堂各項學習活動。鼓勵同學積極以英文參與課堂討論及活動。同學應每日注意虛擬校園公告,並遵循任課老師之各項考試、作業及出缺勤評分之相關規定。(出席計算乃自同學選課成功後,應上課之第一日開始計算。) 其他說明: -依本校學則第四章第三十一條,學生因故不能上課,請准事假、病假者為“缺課”…。 -若學生因懷孕、分娩、或撫育三歲以下子女之需要而核准之事(病)假、產假,不予扣分。(有相關需求者,須逕向學輔中心申請,由系所發展中心通知教師同學之請假日期。) 請准公假者,亦不作缺課論,不予扣分。(欲請公假者須逕向學輔中心申請公假證明,並由學生交付該證明給 老師請公假。) -除上述因素,學生因其他不可抗拒之原因缺課,得出示具公信力及可驗證之證明文件,向任課教師申請該堂缺課不扣分,至多三次(堂)。惟不可抗拒之原因及免扣分之決議與否,完全由該堂任課老師核定。該任課教師有向該出示證明文件單位做驗證查核之權利。(以每位任課教師課堂最新公告為準)
Students are expected to come to class on time and to participate in all activities. Participation includes being prepared for class; cooperating; using English; and following classroom rules. Students should check Virtual Campus each day for classroom announcements. When absent, they should call another student for the homework assignment. Attendance: Attendance is recorded from the first day a student registers for class. At the instructor’s discretion, up to three absences may be excused if supported by appropriate, verifiable documentation. (Please contact your instructor for the latest information.) An exception is made for students who are pregnant; taking maternity leave; taking care of a child three years of age or younger; performing national service or service to CCU. All such claims must be verified by the Counseling Center.
《 報告要求 》
Students are expected to complete all homework assignments on time.
《 課程評分方式 》
Listening & Speaking 1. Quiz/homework/in-class activities 20% (including online homework 4%) 2. Attendance 5% 3. Participation 5% Reading & Writing 1. Quiz/homework/in-class activities 20% 2. Attendance 5% 3. Participation 5% Exams 1. Midterm exam 15% 2. Final exam 15% 3. Final oral exam 10% Class participation constitutes 10% of the final grade. The class participation grade is based on the following: 1. The student is prepared for class (brings the book, a notebook, homework, etc) 2. The student is cooperative (works together with other students and follows the instructor’s directions). 3. The student uses English 4. The student follows classroom rules
Midterm Exam: The midterm exam may be computer-based or paper & pencil. The exam will cover grammar, vocabulary, language use, reading and listening in the textbooks.
Final Exam: Like the midterm, the final exam includes grammar, vocabulary, language use, reading and listening studied in the textbooks. It does not include material tested on the midterm exam.
The final oral exam will be administered during the speaking/listening class. The final oral may include material practiced throughout the course.
Online learning: (Self-study period: 17th and 18th week自主學習週: 第17和18週) On the 17th and 18th week, students are required to complete online homework assignments on iCan. (There are no in-person classes for the last 2 weeks.)
《 討論要求 》
Students are encouraged to actively participate in discussions during class as this may be one of the few opportunities to use English.
《 其他要求 》
Students with any condition, either permanent or temporary, that could affect class performance, should advise the instructor so that accommodations can be made. Students eligible for TOEIC are strongly encouraged to begin preparing for the exam early in the semester.