全球性服務業內涵及獲利模式推陳出新,不論「金融服務業」、「資訊科技及AI服務業」或「餐旅娛樂服務業」等,「破壞式創新」或許是殺出血路的唯一方法,知名管理學者克里斯汀生提出,後進企業的產品或服務,以更好用或更便宜的商業模式,抓住那些市場龍頭不在意的客群,逐步搶占市場,等到大企業意識到威脅,為時已晚,後進者因此趕超產業龍頭。 本課程專注在使用科技資訊技術,尤其是AI應用技術,透過服務業對消費者行為的掌握,進而由電商的經營,整理出10種改變消費行為的商業模式,盤點及梳理後進企業如何搶占市場,讓谷歌、亞馬遜等大企業也深感威脅。
《 課程簡介 -- English 》
The content and profit model of the global service industry are innovating. Regardless of the "financial services industry", "information technology and AI service industry" or "catering, tourism and entertainment service industry", etc., "destructive innovation" may be the only way to kill the bleeding. The well-known management scholar Christianson proposed that the products or services of backward companies should use more useful or cheaper business models to seize the customer groups that the market leader does not care about, and gradually seize the market. When large companies realize the threat, they will seize the market. It is too late, and the latecomers are thus catching up and overtaking the industry leaders. This course focuses on the use of technology and information technology, especially AI application technology, to grasp consumer behavior through the service industry, and then sort out 10 business models that change consumer behavior through e-commerce operations, and inventory and sort out how backward companies are doing. Seizing the market has also made big companies such as Google and Amazon feel deeply threatened.