本課程循序漸進,先針對財務管理做基礎介紹。從核心的貨幣時間價值分析,到企業評價 與投資組合管理,進行全方位深入淺出的講解。學員無須擔心缺乏相關背景,課堂會補充 學習所需的統計與財會知識,也會運用目前國際企業發生的時事,輔助說明如何應用分析。 在課程後期,將進一步介紹熱門主題,例如跨境電子支付、區塊鏈金融等,提供兼具深度、 廣度與時效性的授課內容。 2020年全球爆發新冠肺炎疫情,全球供應鏈產生前所未見的斷鏈危機,全球運輸也出現缺 工、缺船、缺櫃、塞港等問題,更加深供應鏈瓶頸;2021年疫情趨緩,在總體需求大增下物 價蠢蠢欲動,引起通膨隱憂,預期總體經濟將再度進入升息循環;近兩年期間新台幣也大幅升 值。此外,ESG已成為企業經營的顯學,未來企業若無法落實ESG,將被淘汰。企業為了滿足 擴產資金需求或股東配息需求,趁市場低利環境大舉發債籌資,為落實ESG,永續發展債券乃 應運而生,惟舉債後負債比率升高,企業所面臨的財務風險也就愈大,因此如何決定最適資本 結構便成為企業重要的課題。
《 課程簡介 -- English 》
This course proceeds step by step, starting with a basic introduction to financial management. From the core time value of money analysis, to enterprise evaluation and investment portfolio management, all-round and simple explanations are given. Students do not need to worry about lack of relevant background, the class will supplement the statistical and accounting knowledge required for learning, and will also use current events in international companies to help explain how to apply analysis. At the later stage of the course, popular topics such as cross-border electronic payment, blockchain finance, etc. will be further introduced, and the teaching content with depth, breadth and timeliness will be provided.
In 2020, the global outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic has caused an unprecedented crisis of chain disruption in the global supply chain. There are also problems such as lack of labor, lack of ships, lack of cabinets, and port congestion in global transportation, further deepening the bottleneck of the supply chain; In 2021, the epidemic situation will slow down, and prices are about to move under the sharp increase in overall demand, causing inflation concerns, and it is expected that the overall economy will enter a cycle of interest rate hikes again; The New Taiwan dollar has also appreciated significantly in the past two years. In addition, ESG has become an important part of enterprise management. If enterprises fail to implement ESG in the future, they will be eliminated. In order to meet the needs of expansion funds or shareholders' dividend distribution needs, enterprises have issued bonds to raise funds in a low-interest market environment. In order to implement ESG, sustainable development bonds have emerged as the times require.