人類進入21世紀後,隨著傳播科技進步,人類傳播也進入了新的型態:不但傳播內容更快速、更豐富、更多元,傳播媒介也走向個人、移/行動、多功。而數位傳播媒介(手機/平版)不但是人們生活的必需,似乎也成為人們身體的部份。 縱觀此一現象,專家、學者或甚社會評論家提出眾多理論試圖分析、解釋。其中,針對兒童/青少年多著重於負面之評價。然而,此類論述多從成人/教育者/家長/政客角度看世界,鮮少由兒少的視野出發。為什麼兒少使用這些數位媒介?兒少如何運用這些數位媒介?若使用這些數位媒介是必需/不可避免,可否利用/運用這些數位媒介從事教育/傳授知識或資訊? 本課程之目的即為,在數位媒介使用是不可避免的趨勢下;探討如何運用數位媒介從事教育/知識或資訊傳播,特別著重於科學/科技之數位傳播效果。希望藉此引發修課同學對此議題興趣並衍生相關論文與研究。 本課雖無先修課程條件,但建議先行修習相關課程,以利課程進行與增加學習效果。
《 課程簡介 -- English 》
With the advance of communication technology, human communication has morphed into a new form in the 21st century. The content of communication travels faster, more abundant and diversified while the media becomes personal, mobil and multi-functional. The digital media (smartphone/plate computer) is not only the necessity, but also becomes part of human body. Numerous theories, analyses, and deciphers have been made by scholars, experts and social critics to unveil the epidemic phenomena. For the most part, they conclude that the phenomenon has negative impact to the children/young adults. There is little voice to talk about it from the latter's perspective. The purpose of this course is, under the premise that the usage of digital media is inevitable, to explore the front of utilizing the digital media on education and/or on communicating knowledge/information. Specifically, why and how the children/young adults use the digital media on about media content and what are the consequences? It is our hope that by exploring such topics, it will evoke students' interest in related issues and invest in further research. There is no prerequisite for this course, but it is advised to have some basic knowledge of communication as well as the communication studies related to the children/young adults.