本課程之教學目的在以深入淺出的方式,提供實際的案例,協助學生運用適當的比率分析、趨勢分析、比較財務報表、共同比財務報表、圖表分析等方法,就企業的財務報表及攸關資訊,從事包括短期償債能力、投資報酬分析、資產運用效率、經營績效分析、現金流量分析、資本結構與長期償債能力分析等構面的分析,以作成相關決策The objectives of the course is to help students to understand the financial performances of six important business financial dimensions, including short-term liquidity, return on invested capital, asset utilization analysis, operating performance analysis, cash flow analysis, capital structure and solvency. The course will introduce ratio analysis, trend analysis, comparative financial statements, common-size financial statements, charts analysis to analyze the financial statements and the related information. Financial statement users can do the better decisions by the results of financial statement analysis
《 課程簡介 -- English 》
本課程之教學目的在以深入淺出的方式,提供實際的案例,協助學生運用適當的比率分析、趨勢分析、比較財務報表、共同比財務報表、圖表分析等方法,就企業的財務報表及攸關資訊,從事包括短期償債能力、投資報酬分析、資產運用效率、經營績效分析、現金流量分析、資本結構與長期償債能力分析等構面的分析,以作成相關決策The objectives of the course is to help students to understand the financial performances of six important business financial dimensions, including short-term liquidity, return on invested capital, asset utilization analysis, operating performance analysis, cash flow analysis, capital structure and solvency. The course will introduce ratio analysis, trend analysis, comparative financial statements, common-size financial statements, charts analysis to analyze the financial statements and the related information. Financial statement users can do the better decisions by the results of financial statement analysis