美國德州聖安東尼奧University of the Incarnate Word國際教育暨創業管理博士 Ph.D
南華大學出版事業管理研究所碩士 M.B.A.
中國文化大學資訊傳播學系學士 B.S.

美國德州聖安東尼奧University of the Incarnate Word廣州分校 國際企業管理學系 專任講師
中國文化大學推廣教育部 廣告學系 助理教授
中國文化大學推廣教育部 廣告學系 副主任
南亞技術學院城中校區 資管系 兼任講師
財團法人中華出版基金會 專案經理
幸福左岸數位科技 行銷經理
中華民國臺北國際書展 企劃組組長
中華青年網路協會 網站經營部主任
(A) 專書論文

嚴家成、廬盟晃、何慧儀。2016,SEO超入門 : 教你免費又有效的網站行銷
Ho, H. Y. (2008). Undergraduate publishing education: perceptions and
workforce reality in Taiwan. [台灣出版高等教育與產業人力需求之研究
─以學校教師與從業人員之觀點] Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of the Incarnate Word, San Antonio.
何慧儀 (2002). 策略體驗模組對網路書店虛擬社群忠誠度影響之研究. [An
Influence Study of SEMS on the Loyalty of On-line Bookstores Community].Unpublished Master's thesis, Nan Hua University, Chiayi, Taiwan, R. O. C.

(B) 期刊論文
Cheng, Y.H. & Ho, H.Y*. (2015). Social influence's impact on reader perceptions of online reviews. Journal of Business Research. Vol 68, No.4, 883-887. (SSCI, ISSN: 0148-2963)
Lin, P.C., Ho, H.Y*. & Lu, M.H. (2014). Effects of Knowledge Management and Corporate Culture on Organizational Innovation Climate. Revista Internacional de Sociología. Vol 72, No.2, 43-55. (SSCI, ISSN: 0034-9712)
Ho, H.Y., Lin, P.C. & Lu, M.H. (2014). Effects of Online Crowdfunding on Consumers’ Perceived Value and Purchase Intention. THE ANTHROPOLOGIST. Vol 17,No.3, 837-844. (SSCI, SCI, ISSN: 0972-0073)
Ho, H.Y., Lu, M.H. & Lin, P.C. (2013). The Diverse Perceived Qualities and Perceived Values on App e-Book and App e-Magazine. Pakistan Journal of Statistics. Vol 29,No.6, 1029-1048. (SCI, ISSN: 1012-9367)
何慧儀、陳靖雯,2013,臺灣、中國與美國出版碩士課程比較研究,2013中華印刷科技年報,143-168. (ISSN: 2220-2579)
王祿旺、何慧儀、車建江,2013,兩岸出版社數位出版品發行模式之探討,2013中華印刷科技年報,199-214. (ISSN: 2220-2579)
何慧儀、鄭宇廷,2013,APP圖像設計元素分析,2013中華印刷科技年報,399-411. (ISSN: 2220-2579)
何慧儀、李嘉儀,2013,口袋書購買動機及滿足程度之研究,2013中華印刷科技年報,469-483. (ISSN: 2220-2579)
Ho, H.Y. & Lu, M.H. (2013). The Involvement and Message Effect on Facebook Fan Pages about Catching Users’ Eyeballs. International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications(JDCTA). Vol 6,No.7, 861-868. (ISSN: 1975-9339)
Ho, H.Y., Wang, L.W. & Cheng, H.J. (2011). Authors, Publishers, and Readers in Publishing Supply Chain: The Contingency Model of Digital Contents Production, Distribution, and Consumption. Systems Engineering Procedia. Vol 2, 398-405. (ISSN: 2211-3819)
Ho, H. Y., & Wang, L. W. (2011). Uses and Gratifications of the Mobile E-book Users. 2011 International Conference in Electrics, Communication and Automatic Control Proceedings, 955-961 (ISBN: 978-1-4419-8848-5)
Wang, L. W, & Ho, H. Y*. (2011). A Study of Cover Design for Children’s
Picture Books. 2011 International Conference in Electrics, Communication and Automatic Control Proceedings. 1137-1144 (ISBN: 978-1-4419-8848-5)
Ho, L. H., Lu, M. H., Ho, H. Y., Peng, T. F., (2011). A Study of Website Optimization Strategy and Implementation. Advanced Materials Research, vol. 268-270, 829-834, 2011, (EI, ISSN: 1022-6680)
究,2011中華印刷科技年報,587-598. (ISSN: 2220-2579)
中華印刷科技年報,443-456. (ISSN: 2220-2579)
2011中華印刷科技年報,258-269. (ISSN: 2220-2579)
印刷科技年報,606-617. (ISSN: 2220-2579)
式,文化事業與管理研究, 3, 21-44.
蔡秀娟、何慧儀,2009, 電腦圖書閱讀介面數位化可行性研究,2009中華印刷科技年報,348-360.
何慧儀,(2004, April). 臺北國際書展之比較及規劃建議. [Suggestions for Taipei International Book Exhibition planning]. 出版界, 70, 27-30.
何慧儀,(2003, November). 香港書展創意規劃 締造書市人潮--2003年香港
書展參觀報告 [Observations in 2003 Hong Kong Book Fair]. 出版界, 68, 17-19.
何慧儀,(2001, July). 折扣有價,知識無價-誠品折扣書店 [Interview of the Elite Discount Bookstore]. 出版學刊, 4, 11.
何慧儀,(2001, July). [Interview of the Ton San Bookstore]. 出版學刊, 4, 9.
何慧儀,(2000). 多媒體傳播技術之應用發展趨勢 [Trends of multimedia
communication technology]. Trends of multimedia communication technology. 華岡印刷傳播學報, 31, 34-40.

(C) 研討會論文

Ho, Hui-Yi, and Cheng, Yi-Hsiu, 2015.06, “A good tool to reach target customers? Customers’ attitudes toward digital signage advertising”, Proceedings - 2015 SIBR-THAMMASAT 2015 CONFERENCE ON INTERDISCIPLINARY BUSINESS & ECONOMICS RESEARCH, Vol.4 No.2. Bangkok, Thailand. ISSN 2223-5078.
林語軒、何慧儀(2015, June 5)。台灣網路團購平台之關係行銷初探。論文發表於2015年全國商管論文研討會暨論文競賽。桃園:龍華科技大學。
Ho, Hui-Yi, and Wang, Luh-Wang, 2014.07, “The Impact of Advertising Type, Advertising Appeal and Interactivity on Mobile Advertising Effectiveness”, Proceedings - 2014 International Summer Conference on Business and Economic Research , p.22, Beipu, Japan. ISSN 2186-6090.
Cheng, Yi-Hsiu, and Ho, Hui-Yi, 2014.05, The impact of social influence on consumer’s perception of online review”, Proceedings – International Conference on Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Management (GEIM) , p.7, Taichung, Taiwan.
Ho, Hui-Yi, Wang, Luh-Wang, Lu, Meng-Huang, and Pan, Hung-Yuan 2013.06, “Building Brand Communities on Facebook Fan pages”, Proceedings - IT, MULTIMEDIA AND COMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE , pp.34-50, Bangkok, Thailand. ISBN 978-86-87043-18-3.
曾世豐、何慧儀(2013, may 7)。以編輯觀點探討台灣電子時尚雜誌產業現況。論文發表於2013 第十四屆管理學域國際學術研討會論文集,42。中壢:中原大學,ISBN 978-986-7043-74-0。
何慧儀、張莉真(2013, Jan 5)。行動廣告呈現方式對智慧型手機使用者接收反應之影響。論文發表於2013系統性創新研討會暨第五屆中華系統性創新學會年會,42。中壢:中原大學。
Ho, Hui-Yi, Wang, Luh-Wang, Lin, Guan-Ling, and Chien, Min-Ju 2012.05, “Traditional to Digital: The Quality Evaluations to Museum E-learning Systems”, Proceedings - 7th Global Conference on Cybercultures , Prague, Czech Republic
Ho, Hui-Yi, Hsu, Yen-Ting, Pan, Hung-Yuan, 2011.07, “Impacts of Computer-Mediated Communications on social behaviors of MSN and Facebook users”, Proceedings - The 2011 International Conference on e-Learning, e-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, e-Government, & Outsourcing (EEE'11)pp.42-48(ISBN: 1-60132-176-7)
HWANG, YANN-JONG, HO, HUI-YI, MA, KUN-HUNG, 2011.07, “Cloud of Knowledge Management Systems Planning and Design”, Proceedings - The 2011 International Conference on Computing and Security (ICCS11) (accepted)
HWANG, YANN-JONG, HO, HUI-YI, YUAN, CHIEN-HUA, 2010.07, “Applying the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology to study Effect of Customer Intention and Its Relevant Factors on the Online Florists”, Proceedings - International Conference on Innovation and Management (IAM 2011)
黃燕忠、何慧儀、韓宗宏(2011, May 28)。企業選擇虛擬社群進行網路行銷因素探討。論文發表於第七屆知識社群研討會論文集(ISBN 9789866082078),410-423。台北:中國文化大學。
何慧儀(2010, Aug. 23)。社交網路媒體閱聽人使用行為與網站體驗。論文發表於2010年華文出版與原創力研討會。北京:北京大學。
HO, HUI-YI, SYU, LING-YIN, 2010.08, “Uses and Gratifications of Mobile Application Users”, Proceedings - The 2010 International Conference on Electronics and Information Engineering (ICEIE 2010), 315-319. (ISBN: 978-1-4244-7679-4 ) (EI) (NSC 99-2914-I-034-015-A1)
HO, HUI-YI, CHANG CHIEN, PI-HSUAN, 2010.08, “Influence of Message Trust in Online Word-of-Mouth on Consumer Behavior – by the Example of Food Blog”, Proceedings - The 2010 International Conference on Electronics and Information Engineering (ICEIE 2010), 395-399. (ISBN: 978-1-4244-7679-4 ) (EI) (NSC 99-2914-I-034-015-A1)
HO, HUI-YI, PAN, HUNG-YUAN, 2010.08, “Use Behaviors and Website Experiences of Facebook Community”, Proceedings - The 2010 International Conference on Electronics and Information Engineering (ICEIE 2010), 379-383. (ISBN: 978-1-4244-7679-4 ) (EI) (NSC 99-2914-I-034-015-A1)
HO, HUI-YI, WANG, LUH-WANG, TSAI, HSIU-CHUAN, 2010.06, “Consumers’ Behavioral Intentions of Using Cross-media Book for E-learning”, Proceedings - The 3rd International Conference on Information Sciences and Interaction Sciences(ICIS2010), 77-82. (ISBN: 978-1-4244-7384-7 ) (EI)
WANG, LUH-WANG, HO, HUI-YI*, 2010.06, “Study on the Strategy of Taiwan's Digital Publishing Industry”, Proceedings - The 3rd International Conference on Information Sciences and Interaction Sciences(ICIS2010), 83-88. (ISBN: 978-1-4244-7384-7 )(EI)
Ho, Li-Hsing, Lu, Meng-Huang*, Huang, Jui-Chen, Ho, Hui-Yi, 2010.02, “The application of search engine optimization FOR INTERNET MARKETING: An example of the motel websites”, Proceedings - 2010 International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering, ICCAE 2010, 380-383. (ISBN: 978-1-4244-5585-0) (EI)
王祿旺、何慧儀、蔡孟珈(2009, Nov 27)。女性時尚雜誌消費者決策因素之研究。論文發表於2009圖文傳播藝術與科技國際研討會論文集。54-57。台北:國立台灣藝術大學。
何慧儀、林宜蓁(2009, May 23)。原住民學生對線上族語學習使用態度之研究。論文發表於第五屆知識社群研討會論文集(ISBN 9789866710513)。台北:中國文化大學。
袁建華、何慧儀(2009, May 23)。以整合性科技接受理論探討網路花店經營之道。論文發表於第五屆知識社群研討會論文集(ISBN 9789866710513)。台北:中國文化大學。
黃燕忠、何慧儀、吳品秀(2009, May 23)。部落格行銷獲利模式之探討。論文發表於第五屆知識社群研討會論文集(ISBN 9789866710513)。台北:中國文化大學。
呂源淦、黃燕忠、何慧儀(2009, May 23)。雙中心災難備援系統之高可用
性研究─以本國銀行入口網站為例。論文發表於第五屆知識社群研討會論文集(ISBN 9789866710513)。台北:中國文化大學。
Ho, H. Y, Lu, M. H., Wang, L. W. & Chiang, K. M.(2009, February 25)。Development and Operation of On-line E-book Industry─Case Studies of OnlineBook and MagV. [線上電子書產業之經營發展策略探討], Paper presented at 2009 TELDAP International Conference, Academia Sinica, 109, Taipei, Taiwan.
何慧儀、王祿旺、江坤勱、盧盟晃(2008, December 27)。體驗經濟時代下的社群行銷─以電子商務產業為例。論文發表於第一屆資訊創新管理與社會永續發展研討會論文集 (ISBN 9789860171846),68-75。苗栗:國立聯合大學。
江坤勱、何慧儀、盧盟晃、王祿旺(2008, December 19)。地方文化觀光活動的發展與經營。論文發表於2008中華觀光管理學會暨休閒與遊憩學會聯合學術研討會論文集 (ISBN 9789866758126)。台南:真理大學。(通訊作者)
Ho, H. Y. (2008, March 14). School to work: Preparing for the workforce in Taiwan. [台灣出版傳播產業產學合作現況], Paper presented at the 3rd Annual International Education Graduate Student Conference, New York University, New York City, New York.
Ho, H. Y. (2008, March 17). School to work: Preparing for the workforce. [產學合作之可行性研究], Paper presented at the 52nd Annual Comparative and International Education Society Conference, Columbia University, New York City, New York
Ho, H. Y. (2007, November 2). Strategies for trans-cultural learners: Experiences from China Incarnate Word. [跨文化環境下之學習溝通研究], Paper presented at the Fall 2006 University of the Incarnate Word Doctoral Student Research Symposium, San Antonio, Texas.
Ho, H. Y. (2007, February 27). China and Taiwan: Comparative analysis of the relationship between knowledge dissemination and consumer culture. [台灣與大陸流行文化知識傳散與消費者文化之關係研究], Paper presented at the 51st Annual Comparative and International Education Society Conference, Baltimore, Maryland.
Ho, H. Y. (2006, November 3). A pilot study of reverse cultural shock of international students. [國際學生之反文化衝擊研究], Paper presented at the Fall 2006 University of the Incarnate Word Doctoral Student Research Symposium, San Antonio, Texas.
Ho, H. Y. (2006, April 1). A comparative study of the influence of experiential
marketing strategies on university student enrollment in the United States and Taiwan. , [體驗行銷策略應用在美國大學招生之可行性研究], Paper presented at the Spring 2006 University of the Incarnate Word Doctoral Student Research Symposium, San Antonio, Texas.

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